Video: Whistleblower Says FBI Acts Like the KGB by Conducting Loyalty Tests to Target MAGA Supporters!

Written by Christopher Murphy.

A whistleblower has come forward with serious allegations against the FBI, claiming the agency conducted internal loyalty tests aimed at purging supporters of former President Donald Trump. This claim surfaced after the events of January 6, 2021, when a tumultuous protest at Capitol Hill set the stage for heightened scrutiny within government agencies.

The story, initially broken by Just the News and later spotlighted by Tucker Carlson, revolves around an FBI employee who participated in the January 6 event. Despite not entering the Capitol or engaging in violence, and voluntarily reporting his presence at the event to his superiors, his security clearance was suspended approximately 15 months later in March 2022 and finally revoked in April 2023.

FBI’s Internal Questions on Political and Vaccine Stances

During the security clearance review, it was reported that the FBI questioned colleagues of the whistleblower about his political affiliations, particularly his support for Trump, his views on the COVID-19 vaccine, and attendance at Second Amendment rallies. Specifically, FBI agents inquired in the spring of 2022 if he had “vocalized support for President Trump” or expressed objections to COVID-19 vaccination. This line of questioning came shortly after significant legal judgments on vaccine mandates were handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court and a federal court, impacting corporate and federal employee vaccine policies respectively.

Broader Implications and Calls for Investigation

The repercussions of these alleged loyalty tests have been profound for the whistleblower, who opted for early retirement due to the ordeal. Empower Oversight, represented by Tristan Leavitt, is advocating for a Department of Justice Inspector General investigation into these practices, suggesting potential widespread violations of the First Amendment by the FBI.

This case is not isolated. According to a DOJ-IG report, 106 FBI employees have had their clearances suspended for extended periods in the past five years, with several citing political retaliation. Marcus Allen, another whistleblower, succeeded in getting his clearance restored after he was suspended for challenging FBI Director Chris Wray’s congressional testimony regarding the presence of informants among the January 6 groups.

Our Take

The allegations against the FBI raise troubling questions about the potential misuse of power within one of our nation’s most trusted institutions. Such actions threaten the foundational principles of freedom of expression and political affiliation, essential to a functioning democracy. If true, these practices suggest a disturbing trend towards politicization within federal agencies, undermining public trust and loyalty. It is imperative that these claims are thoroughly investigated to ensure transparency, accountability, and the protection of civil liberties.

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