The Great Reset Just Killed New England’s Last Coal Plant

Written by Jacob Thompson.

The transition from coal power in New England is not just news; it’s a transformative journey towards a cleaner environment with the likely potential to cost taxpayers countless dollars in unnecessary expenses. This significant shift aligns with national trends favoring renewable sources over traditional coal, marking an era of change. Granite Shore Power, a leading energy provider based in New Hampshire, has officially announced the closure of its last coal-fired power stations. The Schiller Station is set to close by 2025, with the Merrimack Station following by mid-2028. This decision highlights a turning point in America’s energy policy, drawing both applause from environmentalists and scrutiny from energy stalwarts.

The Path to a Renewable Future

Granite Shore Power’s strategic move to close these coal plants underscores the broader movement towards renewable energy across the United States. For approximately sixty years, these facilities have powered homes and businesses across New England. Their planned transformation into renewable energy parks, focusing on solar and utility-scale energy storage, reflects a deep commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation.

Embracing Green Energy

The shift to renewable energy is not without its champions. Organizations such as Environment America and the Sierra Club have long advocated for the closure of coal plants due to their environmental impact. This transition promises cleaner air and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the move towards green energy is expected to spur job creation, presenting new opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

Economic and Environmental Implications

While the phase-out of coal is celebrated by many as a step forward in the fight against climate change, it also raises concerns about energy reliability and the cost of electricity. Critics argue that renewable sources, while beneficial for the environment, cannot yet provide the consistent, dependable power that coal, natural gas, and nuclear have delivered. This poses challenges during peak demand times, potentially compromising energy security and affordability.

Our Take

The decision to close New England’s last coal plants is a terrible move towards a sustainable future. It represents an unneeded step in the wrong direction, acknowledging the pressing need to address climate change and environmental degradation. However, it’s imperative to ensure that this transition does not compromise energy reliability or economic stability. A balanced approach, incorporating a mix of renewable and traditional energy sources, is essential to meeting our nation’s energy needs while protecting our planet for future generations.

This monumental shift towards green energy in New England is a testament to American innovation and resilience. It underscores the importance of pursuing energy policies that are both environmentally responsible and economically viable. As we embrace the future of renewable energy, let us also safeguard the principles of reliability, affordability, and security that have powered America’s progress.

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