Mainstream Media (MSM) Manipulating Crime Data to Protect President Biden

Written by Johnathan Edwards.

As the 2023 elections approach, a significant disparity in crime reporting is coming to light, casting doubts on the narratives being promoted by mainstream media. Major outlets like CBS, NBC, and NPR are reporting a decline in crime rates, citing data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). However, a contrasting story is revealed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). While the FBI’s UCR data suggests a 2% decrease in violent crime from 2021 to 2022, the NCVS reports a startling 42.4% increase in the number of violent crime victims during the same period, escalating from 16.5 victims per 1,000 people to 23.5 per 1,000.

This stark contrast between the FBI’s comforting figures and the distressing statistics from the NCVS, which is based on surveys of approximately 240,000 Americans about their personal crime experiences, paints a more alarming reality. The decision by mainstream media to highlight the FBI’s more favorable statistics, while ignoring the significant rise reported by the NCVS, calls into question the integrity of their reporting. This is particularly concerning in an election year, where public perception of safety and law enforcement plays a critical role.

Media Bias and Misrepresentation

The narrative advanced by many high-profile media outlets omits a comprehensive look at all available data, skewing public perception. Even President Joe Biden has echoed this selective data narrative, attributing a supposed decline in crime rates to the American Rescue Plan in a recent speech, despite every Republican in Congress opposing it. “This week, the FBI released data showing that crime declined across nearly every category in 2023,” stated Biden. This selective use of data starkly contrasts with a December Gallup poll, where 77% of Americans expressed their belief that crime is worsening.

This selective reporting by the administration and its media allies does more than just mislead the public; it paints an incomplete picture of the national crime rates, potentially compromising community safety and media trust. The discrepancies between the reported data and actual crime experiences highlight a troubling use of statistics that could influence public opinion and voter behavior in crucial elections.

Our Take

Unraveling the narratives surrounding crime rates in the U.S. reveals a worrying trend of selective truth by influential media and political figures. Prioritizing certain data sets to shape public perception undermines the democratic process and distorts our understanding of national safety. It is crucial for the media and politicians to offer a balanced perspective that includes all relevant data, ensuring a truthful and comprehensive depiction of the crime situation. As informed citizens, it’s essential to critically assess the information presented to us, allowing us to make educated decisions about our leaders and their policies.

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