Lyin’ Biden: Inflation Was 9% Under Trump!

Written by John Anderson.

In a recent dialogue with CNN, President Joe Biden highlighted his administration’s achievements in what he describes as an unprecedented economic run. “No president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came into office, 9%,” Biden asserted. This claim sets a bold tone, emphasizing the strides taken under his leadership to stabilize and grow the U.S. economy amidst global economic turbulence.

Biden’s remarks came as he discussed the tangible impacts of his economic policies on ordinary Americans. He pointed out specific changes he’s implemented, like capping fees for bounced checks and late credit card payments, which he attributes to combating corporate greed. “The idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee, I changed that, you can’t charge more than 8 bucks for that,” he explained, showcasing efforts to alleviate financial strains on everyday citizens.

However, the President also acknowledged the broader concerns of the public regarding the economy, particularly the stress caused by inflation and housing costs. “That’s why I’m working very hard to bring the cost of rentals down, to increase the number of homes that are available,” Biden stated, outlining his approach to addressing one of the most pressing issues—housing affordability.

Economic Facts and Figures: A Closer Look

While President Biden’s claim about starting his term with a 9% inflation rate has raised eyebrows, actual figures from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) tell a different story. According to the CPI, inflation was recorded at 1.4% in January 2021, the month Biden was inaugurated, and similarly in December 2020, the month before his term began. This discrepancy between Biden’s statement and the official data invites a deeper examination of the economic narrative being presented.

Despite the confusion over the initial inflation figures, the broader picture of Biden’s tenure does reflect significant economic interventions. The administration has indeed seen a marked increase in job creation, a pivotal factor in the nation’s recovery from the economic downturn triggered by the global pandemic. These efforts mirror the administration’s commitment to revitalizing the American economy and reducing the financial hardships faced by many Americans.

Moreover, the focus on corporate greed by Biden highlights a critical aspect of his economic strategy—ensuring that the resurgence in economic health does not disproportionately benefit the corporate sector at the expense of the average citizen. By implementing caps on various banking fees, the administration aims to protect consumers from exploitative practices, thus promoting a more equitable economic environment.

Our Take

President Biden’s assertive claim on CNN about his economic achievements serves as a cornerstone of his administration’s narrative on recovery and growth. While the initial claim regarding a 9% inflation rate at the start of his presidency appears to be a misstatement, the overarching intent to highlight significant economic progress is clear. The administration’s focus on job creation and inflation control, coupled with measures to combat corporate greed, underscores a commitment to an economy that works for all Americans, not just the wealthy or the corporate giants.

Biden’s policy initiatives, particularly in the realms of consumer protection and housing, reflect a pragmatic approach to governance that seeks to address the immediate needs of Americans while fostering long-term economic stability. As the nation continues to navigate the complexities of a post-pandemic world, the focus on economic equity and sustainability remains more relevant than ever.

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