Genius! Gov. Newsom to Slash $185M from Law Enforcement Amid Rising Crime!

Written by Mark Donovan.

Gavin Newsom, eyeing a potential presidential bid as a left-leaning Democrat, is grappling with California’s substantial budget deficit. His response? Doubling down on climate initiatives and equity programs while the state faces an influx of undocumented immigrants. To address the budget shortfall, Newsom plans to slash funding for public safety, including law enforcement and prisons, by at least $185 million.

Reports from CBS indicate that Governor Newsom’s recent budget proposal involves cutting nearly $200 million from state efforts related to law enforcement and public safety. Specifically, the governor’s May budget proposal outlines a $97 million cut to trial court operations, a $10 million reduction for the state Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement, and over $80 million for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Despite Newsom’s claims that crime is decreasing, the reality on the streets of San Francisco and parts of LA suggests otherwise, as these areas increasingly resemble lawless zones.

A spokesperson for Newsom insisted that public safety will not be compromised. Yet, an official from the Department of Finance admitted to a 1.6% cut in the overall proposed budget for the state’s Department of Justice.

Exodus of Wealth and Businesses

High taxes and stringent regulations have prompted wealthy individuals to flee California, exacerbating the state’s deficit. This outcome, predictable to many, seems to have caught Newsom off guard. Businesses, burdened by the costs and regulations imposed by Newsom’s green policies, are struggling. Despite this, Newsom plans to divert $1.7 billion from the general fund towards more climate initiatives and equity programs.

Since the start of the year, San Francisco has reported 8,686 thefts, excluding 1,962 burglaries and 2,298 motor vehicle thefts, according to the latest crime statistics from Fox News Digital. The retail sector in San Francisco has been particularly hard-hit, with stores like Aldo, J.Crew, and Madewell announcing closures at the San Francisco Centre. The North Face and Macy’s also shut down at the beginning of 2024, with Zara expected to follow suit in 2025. This trend signals a broader issue impacting the state’s economy.

Climate and Equity Programs Amid Safety Concerns

While crime rates soar and businesses flee, Newsom remains focused on his climate and equity agenda. His proposed budget allocates substantial funds to these initiatives, despite the pressing need for improved public safety. The planned cuts to law enforcement raise concerns about the state’s ability to handle the rising crime rates effectively.

Critics argue that diverting funds away from essential services like law enforcement could further destabilize communities already grappling with safety issues. The debate over balancing environmental and social goals with public safety needs is becoming increasingly contentious, with many questioning the priorities set by the governor.

Our Take

Cutting $185 million from law enforcement and public safety budgets, especially during a time of rising crime, is a reckless decision. It jeopardizes the safety of California residents and undermines the stability of communities already struggling with lawlessness. Prioritizing climate and equity programs over essential public safety measures demonstrates a severe misalignment of priorities. This approach not only fails to address the immediate needs of Californians but also risks further economic and social instability.

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