1989 Medical Textbook Says Coronavirus Is Just a Common Cold (Video)

Written by Sarah Mitchell.

A medical textbook published by Random House in 1989 describes coronavirus as nothing more than the common cold. This American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine, released over 30 years before the recent pandemic, provides a different view from what we’ve been told during the COVID-19 crisis.

The textbook’s portrayal contrasts sharply with the narrative pushed by global elites who have used the pandemic to enforce lockdowns and promote experimental vaccines. Figures like Stéphane Bancel and Bill Gates have even admitted that COVID-19 is similar to the flu in many ways.

Contradictory Admissions by Elites

After months of promoting vaccines and spreading fear, Bill Gates acknowledged in 2022 that COVID-19 is similar to the flu, mainly affecting the elderly and having a low fatality rate. This admission aligns with statements made by some of the world’s top lockdown opponents since the pandemic’s outset.

Those who voiced similar opinions on social media were often labeled conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers, facing bans from platforms. Many noted that the average age of COVID-19 victims was above the life expectancy rate, suggesting that the virus’s impact might have been overstated.

Moderna CEO’s Changing Stance

Despite aggressive vaccine campaigns, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted that COVID-19 is comparable to the seasonal flu, suggesting only older and vulnerable populations need vaccination. This statement marks a significant shift from Bancel’s earlier stance that young people would require booster shots every three years.

These revelations raise questions about the motivations behind the stringent measures and widespread vaccine mandates imposed during the pandemic. The contrast between historical medical perspectives and recent elite admissions suggests a need for greater transparency and accountability in public health narratives.

Our Take

The shift in the narrative around COVID-19 highlights a troubling disconnect between public health messaging and reality. The acknowledgment by influential figures that the virus is akin to the flu exposes the overreach of lockdowns and vaccine mandates. This manipulation of information has eroded public trust and raised serious ethical concerns. The public deserves honest and transparent communication from health authorities, not fearmongering and coercion. Moving forward, it’s crucial to ensure that public health policies are based on accurate information and genuine concern for people’s well-being.

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