Video: Trump Promises Revenge. Will Declassify 9/11, JFK, and Epstein Files!

Written by Jonathan Hayes.

Donald Trump has vowed to declassify all remaining documents on the 9/11 attacks, Jeffrey Epstein, and John F. Kennedy if he is re-elected in November. This move is part of his broader campaign to seek revenge against what he refers to as the Deep State. During an appearance on Fox and Friends Sunday, Trump was directly asked whether he would declassify these highly sensitive materials. His straightforward response to each was, “Yep.”

Trump highlighted that during his presidency, he had already declassified significant material related to the Kennedy assassination. He assured that this effort would continue once he is back in office. The former President’s commitment to transparency on these historical events is seen as a key component of his strategy to undermine his political opponents.

Legal Challenges and Campaign Promises

Amid his campaign promises, Trump also addressed his ongoing legal battles, which have posed significant disruptions to his election efforts. He used his platform on Fox to issue a stern warning to his adversaries, emphasizing his determination to secure victory over Joe Biden in the upcoming election. “My revenge will be success,” Trump declared, underscoring his belief that his political enemies are engaging in malicious actions to hinder his campaign.

“These are bad people. These people are sick, and they do things that are so destructive… if it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else, and I know a lot of the competition. They wouldn’t do so well,” Trump remarked, expressing his frustration with what he perceives as targeted attacks against him.

Fallout from Legal Troubles

Trump’s comments came shortly after he was found guilty on 34 criminal counts related to his hush money trial. He was convicted of falsifying business records to conceal payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, allegedly to cover up an affair. Following the trial’s conclusion, Trump vehemently criticized the verdict, questioning the court’s legitimacy and condemning the US as a “fascist state.”

Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels has publicly called for Trump to face jail time. Speaking to The Mirror, she said, “I think he should be sentenced to jail and some community service working for the less fortunate or being the volunteer punching bag at a women’s shelter.”

Our Take

Trump’s promise to declassify these sensitive files raises significant concerns. While transparency is essential, his motivations appear rooted in personal vendettas rather than public interest. This approach could further polarize an already divided nation. By weaponizing classified information, Trump risks compromising national security for political gain. The public deserves leaders who prioritize the country’s well-being over personal grudges.

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