Democrats Target Trump’s Golf Course Liquor Licenses After Conviction

Written by Matthew Parker.

In a move that could significantly impact former President Donald Trump’s business ventures in New Jersey, state Democrats are considering stripping liquor licenses from his golf courses. This action follows Trump’s recent conviction in Manhattan on multiple felony counts. The New Jersey attorney general’s office has confirmed it is reviewing the implications of Trump’s conviction on the liquor licenses for Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck, Lamington Farm Club in Bedminster, and Trump National Golf Club Pine Hill.

Although the liquor licenses at these clubs are still active, state law prohibits issuing licenses to individuals convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude. Additionally, applicants for liquor licenses must maintain a reputable character and conduct their businesses in a reputable manner. This review could have significant consequences for Trump’s golf courses if the attorney general decides to act on the conviction.

The Trump Organization’s Response

The Trump Organization has strongly criticized the attorney general’s review, dismissing it as baseless and pointing out that Donald Trump does not personally hold any liquor licenses in New Jersey. A spokesperson for the Trump Organization stated, “President Trump is not the holder of any liquor license in New Jersey, and he is not an officer or director of any entity that holds a liquor license in New Jersey—or anywhere in the United States for that matter.” The organization argues that such actions harm the livelihoods of thousands of Americans who work at these properties.

The spokesperson emphasized the iconic status of the properties and suggested that the attorney general’s review is politically motivated. “These are some of the most iconic properties in the world, and reports like this do nothing but harm the thousands of hard-working Americans who derive their livelihoods from these spectacular assets,” they added. The Trump Organization is preparing to defend its interests vigorously as the attorney general’s review progresses.

Trump’s Legal Troubles and Political Ramifications

Trump’s conviction in Manhattan, which included 34 felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records during his 2016 campaign, has far-reaching implications. He is scheduled to be sentenced just four days before the Republican National Convention, adding to the drama surrounding his legal and political future. Trump has vowed to appeal the verdict, maintaining his innocence and framing the situation as politically motivated persecution.

Following the verdict, Trump stated, “The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here.” His comments reflect his belief that public opinion will ultimately vindicate him, despite the legal setbacks.

Our Take

The effort to revoke liquor licenses from Trump’s golf courses following his conviction appears to be another politically charged maneuver aimed at weakening his influence. While it is crucial to uphold the law and ensure that businesses operate with integrity, the timing and nature of this review suggest it may be more about political retribution than justice. This situation underscores the increasingly politicized nature of legal actions against high-profile figures and raises questions about the impartiality of such proceedings.

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