Whistleblower Details How Obama Stayed Free of Scandals Despite Corruption

Written by Matthew Thompson.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, along with former Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, allegedly used secret email accounts during their time in the Obama administration. According to a recent whistleblower report, Kerry frequently used an alias email, “[email protected],” violating federal record-keeping laws and potentially circumventing Freedom of Information Act requests.

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., disclosed that Kerry’s pseudonymous emails were part of a pattern of behavior. A notable instance was a 2016 email from Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, addressing the recipient as “Boss.”

This period coincided with Hunter Biden’s tenure at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, raising suspicions about the connections. Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, Hunter’s partner in the Rosemont Seneca law firm, was also implicated in the investigation.

Connections to Burisma and Beyond

Although it is unclear if this revelation connects directly to the GOP senators’ Burisma oversight, past analyses of Hunter Biden’s laptop exposed Joe Biden’s use of multiple aliases, such as “Robin Ware,” to discreetly monitor his son’s business dealings.

Grassley and Johnson have requested Secretary of State Antony Blinken to verify Kerry’s compliance with federal records laws. They highlighted that this behavior wasn’t isolated; Biden and Kerry’s use of private emails mirrored Clinton’s notorious private server setup, which she managed from her home.

Clinton’s server, containing several emails with classified markings, was believed to be compromised by Chinese hackers, despite her attempts to destroy the evidence. The Obama administration’s widespread disregard for federal record-keeping laws casts doubt on former President Obama’s assertion of a scandal-free administration.

A Pattern of Deception

Obama famously claimed in 2018 that his administration had avoided embarrassing scandals, stating, “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us… General speaking, you didn’t hear about a lot of drama inside our White House.” However, the whistleblower’s report suggests that the administration’s internal drama was concealed from public scrutiny, creating an illusion of integrity through deceptive practices.

The public controversies, such as the Benghazi attack where four Americans were killed due to Clinton’s “systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies,” according to an independent accountability board, were merely the tip of the iceberg.

Our Take

The Obama administration’s pattern of using secret email accounts and private servers to evade scrutiny is troubling. This behavior undermines the principles of transparency and accountability in government. When public officials go to great lengths to hide their communications, it raises serious questions about their integrity and motivations. The American public deserves better from their leaders, and this scandal is a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to federal records laws and maintaining openness in government operations.

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