Congressional Report: Half of All New Jobs Are Going to Illegal Aliens!

Written by Nathaniel Carter.

A recent report from the House Budget Committee reveals a significant portion of new jobs under the Biden administration is being filled by immigrants, including those in the country illegally. Committee chairman Jodey Arrington emphasized the implications, stating, “Reports show that upwards of half the job gains under Biden have come from illegal immigrants, which belies a far weaker economy than Democrats want you to believe.”

The Labor Department’s jobs report for May supported these findings, highlighting a slight dip in labor participation from 62.7% in April to 62.5% in May. Simultaneously, the unemployment rate inched up from 3.9% to 4%. Since November, immigrants have filled 840,000 new jobs, according to the Washington Times.

Moreover, the House report noted that the 4% unemployment rate translated to 6.6 million unemployed individuals, up from 6.5 million in April. Despite the creation of 272,000 new jobs in May, these figures reflect an economy that might not be as robust as some claim.

Political Reactions and Economic Impact

The contrasting responses to the report underscore the political divide over the nation’s economic health. While Democrats celebrated sustained job growth, Republicans criticized the distribution of these new opportunities. “Biden’s illegal immigrant crisis has conveniently served as a ‘two-for’ – shoring up his vote tally and padding his dismal unemployment numbers,” Arrington remarked, expressing concerns over the administration’s immigration policies.

Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, painted a more optimistic picture. “Wages are rising, unemployment remains near record lows for the longest stretch in decades, and gains are widespread across sectors,” he said, pointing to 40 months of robust job growth.

Conversely, House Republicans highlighted that certain demographics experienced increased unemployment in May, notably among Asian Americans, blacks, and Hispanics. This disparity raises questions about the equitable distribution of economic benefits during this period.

Discrepancies in Employment Figures

The influx of immigrants filling new job positions has led to a complex employment landscape. The House Budget Committee’s findings suggest that the apparent job market strength might mask underlying issues. While the creation of 272,000 new jobs in May seems positive, the concurrent rise in unemployment and labor participation rate decline indicate potential vulnerabilities.

Arrington’s critique centers on the idea that these job gains are not benefiting American citizens as much as they should. By pointing out the significant employment of illegal immigrants, he argues that the administration’s policies may be undermining the job market for native-born workers.

Meanwhile, Democrats maintain that the overall economic indicators, including wage growth and sustained low unemployment, reflect a healthy economy. However, the reported unemployment increases among minority groups suggest that the benefits of this growth might not be evenly distributed.

Our Take

The latest report from the House Budget Committee presents a troubling picture of the current job market. While job growth figures appear strong, the underlying data suggest that a significant portion of these gains is going to immigrants, including those here illegally. This situation not only raises concerns about the integrity of the labor market but also highlights the potential for exploitation of immigration policies for political gain.

Such trends are worrisome as they may lead to increased unemployment among American citizens, particularly in already vulnerable communities. It is essential to scrutinize these employment figures critically and ensure that policies are put in place to benefit all citizens fairly. The administration’s handling of immigration and employment must be transparent and prioritize the needs of the American workforce.

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